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Mint Tea

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It's Springtime, All Over Again

Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I can't believe it's spring already. Nonetheless, I'm pretty excited about it. I've just officially...


I am awaiting, none too patiently, the arrival of the inaugural copy of Why We Fly the Rainbow (which is already available on amazon). I...

Bits & Pieces

I've now made all the bits and pieces that will make up my fabric design; all that's left is to put them together into a pleasing pattern...

Branching Out

For a few years now, I have been creating fabric designs. Although it's one of my favourite things to do, it can be quite time consuming...

Happy Little Icons

A prompt from @Clr_Collective on Twitter inspired me to finally go ahead and make some custom icons for navigating my website, so that's...


Hello! I've made some changes to my site, starting with a few design tweaks here and there and (after quite a long time) adding something...

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